Sunday, May 15, 2011

When You Don't Have the Right Picutre...

... Photoshop it.

Got inspired to do a little writing the other day. We had a storm approaching, with some heavy rain. Right before it got here, a crow landed on the street light out front, as if to caw a warning that things were going to get rough.

Like Edward, I like to include a picture with the things I write. But I didn't get a picture of the crow. So, I created one.

I started with two pictures. Crows in a tree and a street light.

I ended up using two different crows, because I liked the body position of the top one, and the head of the lower one. So I combined them.

Then I isolated the light post and trees, reversed them, and changed the sky. Photoshop has a function that will create clouds, or a diffraction pattern that looks like clouds.
Next I desaturated the lamp post (took all the color out of it) and added a gradient to the sky to make it darker.

I think it came out OK. And it fits the story I was trying to tell.